~ I KNOW ~

Location: Top of head
Color: Violet to White
Function: Seeing, intuition
Element: Thought
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Meaning: Thousandfold
Crystal: Amethyst, diamond
Planet: Uranus
Herb for Incense: Gotu Kola

The Seventh Chakra is the major zone of the center. Stimulates
production of the pituitary gland and balances cranial pressure. It is the
entry-way for the intuitive connection. We all have this ability which is
just as important for the enhancement of total health.

The Seventh Ray is the "Tiara" white ray. All higher mind forces are here.
This is the "Walla" ray. It helps all people, especially those who already
have highly attuned systems. Nervous or excitable people need the colors
purple and deep blues around them. The dietary program includes all purple
fruits, juices and vegetables. Blackberries, purple cabbage, eggplant,
purple grapes, beets, purple broccoli. I find that bath water charged
with blue bath salts is very relaxing and is excellent for a "come down"
from a high vibe trip. Again, this color will put a "down" person into a
deeper state. Be aware of the moods of your loved ones and act accordingly.

Crown * Location: Top of Head
Not in touch with higher self. Right brain energy not in use.
Harboring of dark or negative emotions and feelings.

Air: fasting / detoxing
Incense and Smudging Herbs: sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper
(These herbs are not to be eaten but are ritually inhaled through the nostrils or can be smoked
through a ceremony pipe for purification purposes)

Information found in the book, Wheels Of Life by Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
authors web site
Basic Chakras
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